Health Connection Academy
Entrepreneurs who are active connect with me to dissolve their pain in the body so that they can regain free movement in the body.
The way to your freedom of movement is simple if you know the basic formula that enables you to find the root cause of the problem. By understanding the root cause, you can clear it and regain free movement (no pain, full range of movement, stability, strength,…)
Even if the way is simple, it doesn´t mean it´s easy. It requires being open and willing to change the point of view. And you will have to work on it. The more you put in, the more you get from the program.

Do you feel that your body let you down? It doesn´t want to do what you want or doesn´t let you do what you want? This is the most common point of view. Let´s try to see it from a different point of view. How have we taken care of ourselves until now? Have we paid attention to what our body, our soul need? And have we given it? Have we obeyed the first signs of disbalance or have we ignored it OR haven´t noticed at all? Maybe the whole situation is about a different thing – we let our body down, and we did it so long that it stopped working properly.
In case, you want to understand what has happened, write me, please, at
How do we recognise that something in our life is not OK? That the balance or harmony is disturbed? It´s quite easy – our body is able to „tell“ us in which part of our life something is wrong. Our body can tell it by itself (if unbalance or disharmony lasts longer) or we can find out what is not completely OK through several exercises. When our body tells us what´s wrong, we can use „alphabet“ we have learned and „read“ what our body tries to tell us. If we don´t have any problems, then we can test ourselves whether somewhere something starts or not. Several simple exercises for particular parts of our body can tell us where the disbalance or disharmony starts. So we can „heal“ it before the real health problem starts.
Is that something that interests you? If yes, write me, please, at